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Marketing Research Showcase

Below are the various marketing research projects I have completed for many small business owners. Each project is unique yet all of them exemplify one of the most important concepts of marketing: Research should always come before action. Please take a look at these projects and see how small businesses in Orange County have been helped through these extensive research reports.

Marketing Research Report

The Night Owl - Fullerton

In this project, my partner and I conducted customer interviews and secondary research at a local coffee shop to get a general understanding of areas of improvement or frustration. We then took what we had learned and created a 55 question survey that we handed out to 80 customers. We then compiled and analyzed the data to provide the owner with over 50 major findings from his customers. We gave our recommendations for improvement based on the data from the customers. Please view the full report or my reflection video below to see more details.

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Nonprofit Marketing Report

Young Lives Redeemed

In this project, I worked alongside the executive director at Young Lives Redeemed, a local nonprofit that aids 18-25 year-old youth who have aged out of the foster care system. For the project I conducted secondary research on the non-profit sector. I then interviewed multiple stakeholders in the organization including board members, volunteers, employees, and clients to gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. I then developed a 1 year marketing plan based on the research conducted. Please view my report and reflection video below:

Marketing Research Report

Biola Love the Least Club

In this on-campus project, I worked alongside a team of other marketing students to provide Biola's Love the Least club data on student opinions on the club. This was done in order to give them a better understanding of how to attract more students to their club. To do this, we gathered primary research through student interviews around campus. We then crafted a survey based on the data we had gathered and passed out the survey to 127 students on campus. We then met with the client and presented the findings we had gathered. The final presentation can be viewed below.

Target Market Project

Fast Casual Pizza Industry

In this 4 month long project, I analyzed the fast casual pizza industry. I started by researching the industry as a whole to determine if starting a business in the industry would be profitable. I then analyzed competitors Blaze Pizza and Pieology Pizzeria by gathered secondary research online and conducted 25 customer and employee interviews to gain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. I then used the research gathered and made a marketing plan for a theoretical new business in the fast casual pizza industry. Please view the full project below.

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